4 Leadership Quotes From Game of Thrones

HBO’s Game of Thrones TV series has been a huge hit (recently declared most pirated TV show of 2012). Season two has recently ended so I thought it would be fun to consider a few quotes from leadership perspective. This is obviously meant tongue-in-cheek, don’t take this too seriously!

So without further ado – here are my top 4 Leadership Quotes From Game of Thrones!

DISCLAIMER: Whilst I have not included spoilers, some of the concepts have been taken from events in the books which have not transpired in the TV show yet..

1. Winter is Coming

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Beware the Juncture

When was the last time you heard someone say ‘at this juncture’? Beware the juncture. Why? Chances are, when you last hear it used, it went a little like this:

“At this juncture,”

Sounds good so far….

“we’ll do it this <non-awesome way>”

At some point, during the meeting, or afterwards, you’ll feel glad the decision was so agreeable. Everyone leaves the meeting without having to do any additional work!

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MBANights Blog Launch

Welcome to my MBANights Blog Launch!

I had been debating starting this blog for some time. Originally it was going to be a mix of management and software development, but over time this changed and gave rise to a new idea, that of MBA theory sprinkled with some concepts from successful start-ups.

My plan just needed some additional reasons to become a reality. So when lecturer Cullen Habel suggested starting a blog, for grades in Marketing Management my much delayed blog finally had a reason to live. Cullen, if you are reading, thankyou for giving me the push I needed to make this real.

I hope that it will grow to become a useful resource for managers, leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere, in particular those studying their Masters of Business Administration.

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