Complex Systems and Change Management – Guest Post

Complex Systems and Change Management – A guest post by Philip Southwell

I used to think that I could drive change like Michael Schumacher used to drive a Ferrari. If I drove with consummate skill I would take the corners smoothly, overtake competitors and win the drivers’ championship. How wrong was I.

This approach led to frustration. Why wouldn’t people do what I wanted? Why couldn’t people see that the change I was advocating would further the aims of the organisation?

My frustration came because I didn’t realise one simple fact: Continue reading

Chase the Cool

I’ve had this saying going for a few months now, where I tell my friends that they need to ‘Chase the Cool’. The concept has had some incubation, and now I think I’m at the point I can walk people through behind my new ethos, my new compass, on what I should and should not aspire to do, or be. I hope you like it and find it useful.

To help illustrate the point I’ll use a real life story. It’s easy to find many stories that match, but for this example, we’ll pick the story of the PS22 Primary School Chorus in Staten Island, New York. Know of it?

Here’s a sample:

PS22 Chorus performing ‘Walking on a dream’ by Empire of the Sun.

The origins of the PS22 Chorus are very humble. It started with the music teacher, Mr Breinberg thinking, wouldn’t it be cool to engage the kids via music? Wouldn’t it be cool to record the kids singing covers of modern songs, songs that probably aren’t normally sung in schools?

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Dancing with Systems – Donella Meadows

The late Donella Meadows wrote an interesting article titled ‘Dancing with Systems’ that provides a fourteen recommendations on how to approach the change of complex systems.

Newtonian thinking says by breaking down a system into smaller parts, and then understanding them, we will understand the system as a whole. Thinking about it in this way assumes that the system is certain, predictable, obeys known rules and laws, and has linear causation.

The problem is however, that most systems we deal with as managers do not meet these assumptions. Some examples are the workplace culture, company performance, or even an individual’s performance. All are complex systems that cannot be controlled by Newtonian thinking. Our toolkit to understand and deal with this needs another approach.

This is where complex systems theory can help. Complex systems are said to contain uncertainty, unpredictability, non-linear causation and emergent behaviour.

The core idea being that complex systems cannot be properly understood in the Newtonian way we are so used to thinking in. This is where ‘Dancing with Systems’ comes in.

Meadows states that “We exaggerate our own ability to change the world”, and that “the idea of making a complex system do just what you want it to do can be achieved only temporarily, at best”.

You can’t understand, predict and control a complex system.

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Victor Vroom Expectancy Theory

In 1964 Victor Vroom developed his Expectancy Theory to explain observations on the motivations behind decision making. It has become one of the most dominate motivational theories in use today, and can be used to explain common workplace strategies such as performance reviews and financial incentive schemes.

Vroom believed that employees were more likely to be highly motivated when they perceived a link between effort, performance and rewards. Sounds fair enough.

He proposed that the link between motivation, effort, performance, and reward could be explained via the following formula:

M = E x I x V

where M = motivation, E = Expectancy, I = Instrumentality, V = Valence. Continue reading

Top 9 Employee Values

Why do employee’s stick it out with companies, even when the renumeration is poor? Why do overpaid employee’s still leave? There are a many things to consider here, and it will be the subject of another blog post, but for the moment, lets keep it simple. Let’s focus on values.

Values can be defined as:

“Important and enduring beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or desirable and what is not. Values exert major influence on the behavior of an individual and serve as broad guidelines in all situations.”

from :

To meet the needs of their employees, managers need to consider their staff’s values, and think on how they are delivering, or enabling those values. As a manger you need to be aware of all the core values. So what are they? What are the Top 9 Employee Values?

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Why MBA? Positives and Negatives

Why MBA? Positives and Negatives found whilst studying an MBA at the University of Adelaide

So what’s it like studying an MBA? Why do it and would I recommend it?

These are some of the questions I get asked about my Adelaide University MBA study. In short, yes I recommend it, but there’s a better answer, with disclaimers.

Studying an MBA is great, but it depends on your motivation for doing it. What do you want to get out of it?

It’s a LOT of work if you’re just after a bit of paper. Adelaide works on trimester system. For each trimester, you’ll be giving up 3 hours of your time for lectures, somewhere between two and seven hours a week preparing for them (reverse class room style), and then there’s all the time spent on assignments and exam preparation. At three subjects per year, this repeats for four years.

Does everyone really do that much work? Well, no – if you believe in the undergrad saying ‘P’s get Degrees‘ then you may get away with less effort. Even so, it’s still a big commitment.

To give you something to think about, here’s a brief list of positives and negatives of MBA study.

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Adelaide University Professional Management Program PMP

Adelaide University Professional Management Program PMP - The Entrée MBA

Thinking of studying a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) but aren’t completely sure you are ready to start several years of study?

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to “try out” MBA level study?

Well – if you can get to Adelaide or Darwin – you can, via the Adelaide University Professional Management Program PMP, run by the Executive Education Unit.

The Executive Education Unit’s Professional Management Program is like an entrée MBA, giving you a small bite sized experience of MBA level study across six subjects. Continue reading

Innovation, Change and Reactance

Humans are complex beings. Often we react to an idea in a negative or agressive way, when actually, the idea is quite good.

Why? We’re all logical beings, right? This is reactance at work.

Innovation, change and reactance

Psychologist Jack Brehm coined the term reactance in 1966. It covers the human behavours around resistance to new ideas or persuasion that results in hostility and flouting of authority. Fundamentally, we do not like to be told what to do, think or like, and this results in negative behaviour that is not always appropriate. Reactance is a great stifler of innovation and change.

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1977 Apple Marketing Philosophy

In 1977 Mark Markkula wrote a one page marketing and strategy position statement for Apple Computers. It was written as part of the company incorporation on January 3, 1977.

Apple was less than a year old and had only released the hobbyist Apple I. It was yet to really make an impact. Mark Markkula wrote:

The Apple Marketing Philosophy

1. Empathy

We will truly understand their needs better than any other company.

2. Focus

In order to do a good job of those things we decide to do we must eliminate all other unimportant opportunities.

3. Impute

People DO judge a book by its cover. We may have the best product, the highest quality, the most useful software etc.; if we present them in a slipshod manner, they will be percieved as slipshod; if we present them in a creative, professional manner, we will impute the desired qualities.

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