Minimum Viable Product – You’re getting it (partially) wrong

MVP. Minimum Viable Product.

Terminology from the startup world is finding its way into the language of Business. Managers are latching onto the key words such as pivot, disrupt and the idea of the minimum viable product.

Unfortunately, few managers fully understand what each means to the startup world. The idea of the minimum viable product is widely misunderstood. It’s pretty easy to get most of its meaning, but unfortunately the point gets missed.

About the Minimum Viable Product, Eric Ries in his book ‘The Lean Startup‘, says: Continue reading

Social Media Marketing – Mal Chia

Social Media Marketing

This is the second in a series of posts from Adelaide University’s MBA Entrepreneurship Intensive program.  Professor Becky Ruber has kindly allowed me to sit in on the guest speakers arranged for students in her course.

On Friday the 1st of March, the guest speaker was Mal Chia from NoQ:

Mal Chia – Digital Marketing Manager@ NoQ (

Mal Chia is working as the Digital Marketing Manager at the Adelaide startup NoQ.  He has a Masters in Commerce (Marketing) from Adelaide University and is one of South Australia’s most respected digital marketers. Continue reading

MBA Reading List

MBA Reading List 2013
From a studying perspective, the more widely read you are, the more possible sources of information and references you will have. But the reason to read is bigger than just better marks or an easier time finding references-

Reading is one of the ways you can level-up

By level-up, I mean, improve yourself, to be and contribute more. Think and grow.

Are you reading something currently? There are so many books that finding the right one to start reading can be hard. So if you’re currently without a read, don’t worry here’s my reading list. I’m sure you’ll find something worth your time.

The MBA Reading List

1. The Startup Owners Manual – Steve Blank and Bob Dorf Continue reading

RBA Bank – Dr Guy Debelle @ UniBreakfast

RBA Bank – Dr Guy Debelle presenting at Adelaide University’s UniBreakfast on the 26th of February 2013.

UniBreakfast with Assistant Governor of RBA

Adelaide University has arranged for Dr Guy Debelle of the Reserve Bank of Australia to speak at an exclusive breakfast seminar, part of their UniBreakfast series of events. Dr Guy Debelle works as the Assistant Governor (Financial Markets) at the RBA bank, so it will be very interesting to hear what he has to say. You can read more on him here.

The headline for the event is :

“Hear about the effect of the exchange rate on the economy, what the RBA does each day in the money and fx markets and how this flows through to borrowing rates and mortgage rates.”

I’m told there are over 120 pre-registered attendees, and representatives from the media will also be present. Sounds great!

If you would like to be kept up to date, from 7:30am (Adelaide time) I will be providing live updates throughout the seminar, via this blog post. So check back or refresh your browsers to receive the latest version.

Also, you can contact me during the event via email, or by posting comments on this page.

Event Start Continue reading

Live blogging @ UniBreakfast, 26/02/2013

Hi All,

Tomorrow morning I will be live blogging the UniBreakfast with Assistant Governor of RBA event from the National Wine Centre in Adelaide, from 7:30am.

For more details on the event please see for more details on the event.

If you are going and see me there, please come up and say hi! Otherwise, check back later and see how my first live blogging attempt worked out!



Adelaide Startup Ecosystem and ANZ Innovyz

On the weekend I attended an interesting talk by Dr Jana Mathews at Adelaide University. She touched on many facets of innovation and entrepreneurship  but of most interest to me was her discussion on the Adelaide Startup Ecosystem and ANZ Innovyz’s work in South Australia.

Firstly, on Dr Jana Mathews. She is an expert in her field of entrepreneurial leadership and business growth. She has a doctorate from Harvard, is co-author of several books (such Lessons from the Edge and Building the Awesome Organization). From Colorado, she has recently been spending significant time in Adelaide as the Managing Director of ANZ Innovyz START program – a 13 week startup accelerator modelled after the US TechStars. Continue reading

Managerial Finance Strategies to Add Value

High level overview of some managerial finance strategies to add value to your organisation. Covered as part of MBA subject Managerial Finance (2013).

Managerial Finance Strategies to Add Value

The following strategies to add to the net present value (NPR) of a company by altering the cash flow for the better.

Add Value by Maximising Existing Assets

With an existing asset you can:

Increase revenue by either higher sales numbers (make & sell more), or by raising your prices (charge more). The other side of the coin is the decreasing the expenses incurred when using the asset. Find ways to use less resources through greater operational efficiency and seek lower the prices of raw materials and asset support services through tighter procurement. Continue reading

Guest Blogging for Adelaide University

Writing this blog is part of my chasing the cool strategy. If I’m interested or excited about something, that I should do it. I thought – wouldn’t it be cool to have somewhere to record what I learn and think about on my way towards my MBA. True to my “Chasing the Cool’ theory, it has started to snowball, and cooler things are starting to happen.

Late last year I was asked by Adelaide University to be a contributor to their MBA  program’s blog.

I’m now a regular guest blogger on another site! Cool.

I put the finishing touches on my second guest post for them last night, that should go live in the next week or two – on W. E. Demming and his management method.

But it occurred to me that I hadn’t yet linked back to, or talked about my opening guest post for them – ‘Why Do an MBA?’.

If you’re interested, please check it out and let me know what you think!




New Year’s Resolutions and The Future You

I haven’t done a post in a while. I have been too busy having a holiday from work, study and blogging. Whilst it was really nice not having to do any of those three, it wasn’t without some guilt.

So with blogging, I made a resolution to do better –  at least one blog post per week.  Which is a perfect segway into the first post of 2013 – the cultural phenomenon of the New Year’s resolution, personal motivation, and the future you.

New Year’s Resolutions

This year I noticed a number of articles in the media, frowning on the practice of new years resolutions, and this sentiment was also echoed by a number of my friends and colleagues.

Some of the arguments against making new years resolutions were: Continue reading

Alfie Kohn Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work

In 1993 Alfie Kohn wrote an article titled ‘Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work’. For the time it was a radical piece critisising any attempts of increasing employee productivity via incentive plans. Even now, it is still more on the radical side of management and leadership theory.

Kohn said that “rewards typically undermine the very processes they are intended to enhance” and that they secured, at best, only temporary compliance.

Before getting further into Kohn’s reasoning, it’s worth hitting pause to revisit some motivational basics. Firstly, motivation is classified into two types, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from the self, whereas extrinsic motivation is supplied externally, usually by the manager. There is a large amount of research that shows that the highest performing people are intrinsically motivated. Extrinsic motivation is a form of behaviour modification, whereby a manager will use techniques to motivate the individual to do something that they would otherwise not want to do. It may be that the employee theoretically wants to do the work, but in practice they’d rather take it slower or more relaxed than you’d like. Continue reading